As the sun started to go
down, I was able to pull out my Tension Training Tubes, and start a quick
workout. I mean, how often does
one get the chance to work out, listening to Beyonce in the headphones, in Africa,
surrounded by MONKEYS! Those Dirty
little bastards could not give a shit about my workout and me! No wonder I suffer from Low self
really was an amazing way to work out.
It was so Tarzan-esq.
See the monkey!!!
4 Wed July 6
Dad and I woke up early,
before breakfast was ready, and was able to have our instant coffee at a table
outside. It was calm. And
peaceful. A great way to start the
Heritage Center
As we rolled along on our
traveling day back the camp paradise, we stopped at the African Heritage
center. Where I was able to pick
up just a few goodies! (YES KIMMY,
FOR YOU!!) The place was full of
shops and this AMAZING art museum where I was able to walk around and look at all
this amazing African art both old and new. Full of color, full of Life, full of history.
New School.
We went to visit a school
that was being built today; it was amazing how resourceful this people can be,
even though they have so little.
We met the principal and took a tour of the school.
Of course, my lack of
attention got the best of me,
and before I knew it, dad and I were pulling out
the Polaroid camera and started taking pictures of the kids and then gave the
Polaroid for them to keep (A BIG
SHOUT OUT TO PHYLIS FOR THE IDEA) IT was a BIG HIT! Before I knew it, African kids all wanting their picture
taken surrounded me. It was SUCH
and Angelina Jolie moment. It was
Our drivers have started to
give us nicknames. Dads nickname
is Babu, which means grandpa in Swahili. I think it is a very cool name. So they all call him BABU now! Of course, I wanted to be called
Beyonce, but the drivers collectively came up with the name SHAWRO BARRO, which
is the young Swahili name for some one who is “ not like everyone else” likes
music, and dance, and has colorful tattoos! Well, That name is SO much better then Beyonce!! So now, I
go by the name SHAWRO BARRO!!
As we loaded up and headed
back towards the hotel, our driver, Maru, bought us a piece of grilled corn
from someone on the street, he just called him over and got it for us. It was hot off the grill; Babu tried to
break it apart, but had to cool it down first. Then he had a great idea
the cleanest way to cool your corn, but it worked!!
FINALLY, back to Paradise,
We came back to the Serena Mountain Lodge and I was back in my single
room! I FINALLY was back to
the land of Internet! SO EXCITED!!
After an incredible dinner
with part of the group, I learned that one of the group, Mary, Not only has a
Kick ass 40 foot RV, But it is also for sale! Needless to say, we all had a discussion of RVS! AHHHHHH kindred spirits!!
After dinner, I was back on
the Internet and loaded up my blog!
It took longer then expected, and it was getting late! Thank God I had Beans to ichat and
remote my computer to help me through the rough patches
I went back to the room, and
tried to wash my clothes, and the sink plug broke, (of course) I was able to
jimmy it from underneath and the washing continued. I had to hang the shirts and pants inside the mosquito
net and turn the ceiling fan on high to try to get the clothes dry before
5 Thursday July 7 Th
5:30 am came way
early. As I woke up in my wind
tunnel, I was disappointed to realize that the clothes were NOT all dry. MOTHER
FUCKER!! So I put on the least wet
ones, got ready, and packed up my shit to head over to breakfast early, so I
could at least try to get back on the internet before breakfast was served,
Yeah, That didn’t work.
Asthe group filed in, we
started to share yet another fabulous meal. Day 4 into this adventure and the
group is really starting to come together. The personalities are coming out and the African tour family
is emerging. What started off as
blank, strange faces, have now become interesting, loving individuals.
keep having “moments of gratitude”
when I become VERY thankful and ALWAYS make sure I say it aloud. It is important to put into words what I am feeling in my heart!
National Park
is where the safari really began for me.
driving into the park, we were greeted by so many species of animals gathered
in one small space, on this small plain.
It was unbelievable! It was
like the animal kingdoms version of the food court at the mall. All sorts gathered around eating.
were greeted by a rare and up close site of 2 gay giraffes dancing with each
….. Well, Ok, They weren’t
actually gay, and they weren’t actually dancing, but they WERE two males, apparently
fighting over whom would be the dominant male.
Excuse my animal ignorance, you
see, in San Francisco, figuring out the dominant male is quite easy, usually he
is the one buying the drinks!
giraffes were so beautiful up close, their hides were AMAZING, They were giant,
gentle looking creatures, and I was shocked at their beauty, as I have never
seen one so close. In
this beautiful moment, all that I could think of was:
That Giraffe would make One Kick ASS RUG!!”
More bird watcher watching!!!
shit, they spotted the rare and fabulous blonde sparkled queer beak!
rare and fabulous bird from northern California
along, we ran into monkeys, Forgive me for not knowing the names, but it was
way cool watching them swing from tree to tree
baboons crossing the road also greeted us.
were all in awe and amazed and took so many photos. By the way, I think Dad figured out a new name for his
camera. He seems to call it by
name almost every time he takes a picture. Apparently he lovingly calls his camera “FUCK” It seem that
almost ever time he goes to take a picture All you can hear our of his mouth is “FUCK! FUCK, FUCK!! “
the camera freezes up on him, and he cusses at it. and everyone was worried about MY cussing? ) I am afraid the people in our jeep may
think dad has turrets syndrome.
many amazing moments happened in the park, that I cant even put into
words. So here are some photos!
lunch, which by the way, is the absolute WORST part of the trip. These Box lunches are ALWAYS THE SAME, Same piece if shitty chicken, Same bread with eggplant, same banana. Same chips. EVERY FUCKING DAY!! I try so hard NOT to be ungrateful, but lunch has turned into such a joke, Its a shame, as all the other meals are WONDERFUL! I CRINGE when I hear the words BOX LUNCH, and I watch in envy as I see other safari companies with Incredibly beautiful box lunches. So, this has been a challenge, and I am learning to cope! But really folks, IT SUCKS!!
After lunch,Dad was asked if some touring African teens could take pictures of
him. He thinks it was the hat that
attracted to them to him. He
called me over, and before I knew it, we were surrounded by more and more teens
snapping photos. It got to be a
little much for me and I headed back to the jeep! Dad however, was having a blast!
stopped on the way at a souvenir place along the way and I bought a can of the
Africafe instant coffee. As I know Laura Greenfield and I will enjoy it so much
at work! I cannot wait for her to
try my new favorite instant coffee.
Really, I am not kidding, it is DELICIOUS!
the jeeps were getting ready to pull out of the parking lot, Kurt handed Rob a
bracelet from his jeep to our jeep and said “give this to Matt”
It was a Massai bracelet. He had it from a real massai and was given to him like
20 years ago! VERY COOL!!
Tented Lodge!
headed out of the park and moved on our way to the Roika Tented Lodge. As we drove further and further out
into what seemed to be no where, you could see real massai people in the fields
with their goats, carrying water, Small huts made of sticks and mud. It was so overwhelming. We drove and
drove and ended up at the Roika Tented Lodge.
place is Definitely been the highlight of the trip so far. It is locally run and the place is so
completely authentic that you are NOT even allowed to walk from your tent to
the main lodge after dark for fear of elephant run ins, or lions. In fact, on the way to the tents, you
should see FRESH ELEPHANT DUNG on the pathways! I SHIT you Not!!
(Good one!!) IT is
very cool, but also a little scary.
I literally am carrying my knife with me attached to my belt (thanks
Benji for the knife) for fear that I may have to defend myself. Nothing taste sweeter to a wild animal
like the ripe tender flesh of a San Franciscan, although I hear, we taste like
Here are a few photos to show you what I mean:
and I unpacked and headed out to dinner.
We walked out the door and were promptly greeted by our guide PETRO,
Who, with his spear and flashlight escorted us to dinner. By the way, He LOVED the laser
light. And kept laughing about it
the whole time! Although he might
have been laughing at how I would jump at every sound I would hear in the bushes! No shit, we are SERIOUSLY out in the
wilderness here!! Dad found out
that not only had he made his spear himself, but that he had also killed 2
lions with it.
thought the story was amazing, while I was amazed at how the story just made me
walk ALOT faster to get to dinner.
all met up at the Bar, Seriously, this group is getting more and more fun! I ordered my First Gin and Tonic, and
ordered a double! It was awesome!
we sat down to dinner! Which, by the way was AMAZING!!!
ended up asking for some more pasta, and they actually gave me ANOTHER full
dinner, Which If I can be honest, was OK by Me! I ate it ALL!
dinner was coming to an end, I said,
Its time to tell what your most magical moment of the day was!”
all went around and told our moment!
And to tell you the truth, the most magical moment of the day for me,
was that we were all sharing our magical moments!
After we went around the table, I asked
everyone to raid their glasses and made a toast to this wonderful day and this
wonderful group!
headed back to our tent, and I took the most amazing bath in the huge huge
tub! IT was SO big, that I could
lie down completely! It was
I zipped myself up into my Bad ass mosquito tent, and went to bed, With no
music on, just the screens and the sounds of nature! I slept like a baby!!
Day 6 Friday July 8th 8:30
Dad and I woke up at am
today for a 6:30 breakfast time. I
slept incredibly well in my little tent for 1. I decided last night, after discussing with Dad, that I would
stay behind for today and enjoy all that this camp has to offer. I have schedule a 4pm walking tour with
a Maasai and will no doubt take a swim and even do some tension training on the
porch of my hut.
I ate breakfast with the
crew, and then made sure that I saw my new little family to their vehicles
making sue that they were sent off with their usual morning deep inhalation
oil. This has become quite an
important morning ritual, and it makes me so happy that they enjoy it!
As I waved goodbye to the
crew, I headed back to my tent.
I had to wash the yellow
vibrams and a shirt and stuff.
I am now on the porch of
this incredible patio of our little hut and am just amazed how I have NO DESIRE
to put my music on. The sounds of
nature are so overwhelming that it would be a sin to listen to anything
else. After spending so much
time with the bird watchers, I am hyper aware of the sounds the many different
birds are making. It is absolutely
amazing and this new awareness is an unexpected gift that the birders have
unknowingly bestowed upon me!
I am so in the moment right now that all I can feel is an overwhelming
sense of peace and calm.
Well let’s see, What Have I
done today so far? Hmm, Wrote and
organized my blog, but of course cant get on the Internet. Worked out doing Tension Training out
front of my tent
Tried to swim, but the pool
just looked to buggy for me,
Took yet ANOTHER Bath
And am now chilling
enjoying the last of my battery power before I go and meet Carol ( bebe) for
lunch, she too, stayed back for the day! Then after lunch, I will come back and
take a nap! AHHHHH, LIFE IS SO GOOD!!
Lunch was AWSEOME!! It was such a pleasure to share a meal
with carol!
She is fabulous!
After lunch, I went back to
the tent to chill for a bit,
before I met up with carol again for our walking
tour with the Maasi.
Carol and I met up with one
of the lodge employees who served as our translator, and a Maassi warrior as
our guide! We headed out to the
bush on foot for a two-hour walk, which was really one of the most amazing experiences
so far!
Marina was our guide! He was very stern and quiet at first,
but as the walk continued, he started to come alive! I learned so much about the Maasi people and the animals! For example,
The reason the Maasai need
to escort us in the fields, and to our tents at night, is not only because they
can fight and kill the animals, but also because the animals can smell the
Maasai, and they re afraid of the Massai.
This is because the Maasai live among them and hunt them regularly!
River Bridge
Someone likes my Shoes!!!
He made me a toothbrush from a stick!

A small Maasai camp:
I bought some jewelry
I love this tree!
Who is this sassy explorer?
Ok, The internet is so painful this late at night, I need to continue on tomorrow night!
Matthew, I just loved your blog. I was laughing and crying at the same time. You do make me laugh! I'm so happy that you're having a wonderful time and it seems to me that I can see some changes in you as you write. I love your photos and look forward to the next chapter of your trip! Please tell dad I love his name for the new camera. I'm not saying another word because he will know what I mean. My love to both of you, so very happy that you are with dad and having the time of your life. Love you, Mom xxx
ReplyDeletegood times. really enjoying the comments and pics. hysterical. sounds like you are in the zen vibe. amazing. glad you enjoyed the gin and tonic and bathing and nature sounds!! hope you are getting a good dose of the local vibe! love it!! luv sissy
ReplyDeleteI can not even tell you how much I am enjoying reading your blog. I love it! thank you so much for sharing :) hugs to you!
Valerie Towles
must feel like thanksgiving at steve's house eating with all those monkeys around...