Saturday, July 16, 2011

Africa, Day 9-16

Day 9

Still loving this lodge
Here is my view while I am blogging!!

Dad and I enjoyed our day off and then met up with the crew for drinks then dinner

Dinner at this lodge was amazing, (of course) and then check out the dessert!!

Day 10 July 12 2011?

I should have known today was going to not go my way.
Dad and I got up at the usual, 5 Fucking 30 in the morning, we had to pack up and get to breakfast then off to our next destination.  As I was getting ready, I noticed that my fabulous red waterproof watch had water in it.

What the fuck????


3 of the women in the group, got up at 4:30 am to go take the early morning balloon ride.  And we got word, after breakfast that their balloon ride didn’t happen because of the wind.  So, we had to wait for them to meet back up with us.  That gave us about 45 minutes of free time to enjoy the beautiful grounds at the lodge.

Kurt and his Dung beetle


Look how Outdoorsy I look!

Check out this fire pit

And of course, every fire pit needs a FLAME!!

Now THIS is my idea of Bird watching!!
Good one ROB!!
A quick shout out to “Sassy Dian”, Rob’s girlfriend.
 He showed me pictures, and Dian is HOTTY!!!

Jules patiently helping Mary on the Internet!!
Jules, by the way, is my soul mate on this trip!

Lets just day we both should have the last name WALGREENS!
We do like our pills!!



So now, with the whole group fed and ready to go, we loaded up the jeeps!!

I did the daily routine, and pulled out the essential oils and dabbed everyone’s hands for a moment of deep inhalation.

Then, Dad and I hopped into Vehicle #3
Now, Let me say this about vehicle #3
IT SUCKS! It’s the smallest vehicle, and I was in the back.  Check out my legroom!


AS if it couldn’t get any worse, the roof on this jeep is NOT as high as the other roof, so I couldn’t stand up completely without the top of my head slamming into the Bar on the roof

 I don’t think this day could get worse, 

Hold on, 

Cause it did!
As we traveled on this dusty and shitty rough road. We were tossed and turned in every direction.  I swear to god the ride was so rough it literally turned my asshole inside out!  

 Now, cramped, uncomfortable, I decided to go into my own world and listen to my bipod.  I then pulled out my fabulous plane pillow and tried to make the best of it!

Ahh, nice and comfortable, the pillow was a HUGE bonus. It made the ride somewhat OK.  Until that is, we stopped to photograph animals.

And then came the flies.


Now, these are not ORDINARY FLIES!  These little fuckers BITE!! And BITE HARD!!  And apparently, and I Shit you not, they are ATTRACTED TO THE COLOR BLUE!  Yes folks, we got a mini swarm of mother fucking teetsy flies because of my fucking blue airline pillow! 
Now, I draw the line at biting flies,

I had OFFICIALLY had enough of AFRICA!

So, we got moving, I deflated my fabulous airline pillow, cursing myself for NOT buying it in Red, swatted the remaining flies as best we could, and onward we went



The guys were able to fix it quickly,

The bugs were killing us!!  

OK, Tired Fixed, Back on the road, but I have to tell you, I am frazzled and jumpier then a virgin at a prison rodeo!
Then Africa surprised me again, with her majestic beauty!!

Uhm,,,,,, Actually NOT REALLY!!

Jim and Lois!  Our 2 little “LOVE BIRDS”
Really folks, these two are so adorable together you just want to squeeze them!!

Monitor lizard

Dirty Fucking baboons

 What I was listening to on my ipod

Then we stopped at this old airfield for a now famous “SHITTLY BOXED LUNCH”

But I came prepared.  At breakfast, they had peanut butter and jelly on the buffet line. So, I made dad and I each a sandwich, and shoved them into my backpack!  Let me tell you folks, this was the BEST mother fucking Peanut butter and jelly sandwich I have EVER had in my life. Dad agreed.  So, we both politely declined our shitty box lunch!
Dad agreed.  So, we both politely declined our shitty box lunch!

Dad doing his wondering photo taking exhibition

The plane on the airstrip.
Uhm….. Does this have any gas in it?
Can I hitch a ride?

 After Lunch, we pulled into this really cool spot that had a bridge that we walked across.  Of course, I decided to walk across the bridge in Style, listening to Beyonce on my ipod. 

Then I decided to strike a pose on a huge vine!
( thats what HE said)

Dad crosses the bridge!

Then, Guess what.
They Spotted a BIRD!!

Oh shit, I think Dad is becoming one of them!

 Moving on, we ended up at the huge hippo spot.  Check them out!

Dad?    Dad?   DAD!!!!!!!!

I call this shot WIDOW MAKER!!
Dad was a little to close to those hippos.
And Hippos apparently are Mean motherfuckers!!

 Ok, so after still more hours on the road, we FINALLY get to our next lodging sport The IOKOMA BUSH CAMP!
Now, this camp was NOT bad, but it certainly was NOT as lunch as the other tent camp. 

We unpacked, got on our mosquito net shirts, and headed to dinner!!

As you can see, Dad and I don’t fuck around with mosquitoes.  Although I think the local natives at this camp think we are fucking Bee Keepers!


Dinner was AMAZING!  I ate like a king!!

This was the charging station.  You had to bring all your electronics to dinner to charge them, as you couldn’t do it in the tent!

 They had a fantastic campfire going.  Dad and I headed to our tent full and content!!

DAY 11 Wed July 13, 2011

Dad and I were able to sleep in, as we opted out of the morning game drive.  We both thought that sleeping in would be much more beneficial, and after the rough day I had, I felt I deserved a little comfort!!

Our tent getting the morning sun!

We headed to breakfast, as I started to eat, I got a little rumbling in my stomach.  I thought, Hmm. That’s odd. 

The birders at breakfast tried to convert me. 
I have to admit, looking through a nice pair of binoculars changes things.

I excused myself from the table, as I had to use the restroom, and it seems, I had to use it NOW. 
The only restroom in site was the public one, but I had not choice. I had to go.  AS I carefully squatted, the room was filled with moths and bugs, but I had other important issues to deal with.

Well, at least he was on the RUN!!
Or should I say RUNS!!

FUCK ME!!!!!

We headed back to our tent, and I tried to blog, while dad chilled outside.

So, In a nutshell, this is how my day went…

When I wasn’t looking at this…  (The view from the toilet)

I was looking at this…  

My famous" Tent in a Tent"

Yep, and all day long I shit and read!   Thank God for my Kindle, and By the way, If you haven’t read Barbra Walters book “AUDITION” then I highly suggest it!  
It’s fascinating

As the day went on, I wasn’t feeling any better.  And it got HOT.  Dad was in his bed next to me just napping in his underwear.  Yes, it was THAT MOTHERFUCKING HOT!  Thank god for my minifan!

I decided it was time to take the prescription stuff to aid in my getting better.  Dad went to dinner and this is what he brought back for my dinner!

Yep, all I had to eat was 1 of those pieces of bread!  AHHH Sweet Africa, How I love thee!!

 DAY 12, July 14 2011

At 5:30 am the alarm clock sounded. ARGGG At this point, I was so sick of this routine that I wanted to smack Dad!!  Get me outta here, that’s all that I could think of.

Trying to keep a positive spin on things, I was happy that at least I got sick on a NON-travel day.   But I took no chances, and skipped breakfast.  The crew could see that I was still under the weather, and were all so kind and thoughtful towards me!!  It really made me feel better!!

I snapped this great picture of the sun coming up as I made my way to the cars.  Ahh a bright new day, lets try and make it beautiful!!

AS we started on our way we were treated to this beautiful view!
A fresh kill!   How refreshing!!
 Thank God I skipped breakfast!!

 Had to stop AGAIN Car trouble.  Thank God, not a big deal. I just couldn’t take much more!!
Tired, Hungry, Afraid to eat, and ready to go Home, Africa pulled out its Trump card. 


IT was time to drive down into the crater.  The weather had cooled, I had stopped shitting, and although I was hungry, I was still overtaken by the beauty of this landscape!

Check out that leopard!!

Rabbit or Hare,  (who the fuck knows)


Thing with horns

 Lots of things with horns. (This is one of my favorite photos)

 Lion protecting its kill

 Lion protecting its kill, (he is on lunch break)


Lunch stop.  We had to eat in the car, as there are birds called Flying kites that would swoop down and grab your lunch.  I could only eat crackers.  I was doing so well, I was afraid to put anything into my stomach.

Now, I am not a professional photographer, but this is one beautiful shot!!!


We FINALLY made it to our last lodge!
And let me tell you! It is AMAZING!! Not only do we get 2 days here, but also tomorrow is a FREE DAY!  And I was Finally ready to eat

Our room

Dad and I unpacked, and headed to dinner!
I didn’t even bring a camera, but I was one happy motherfucker!!

After dinner, we headed back to our room. On our way there we saw a caped buffalo, like 10 feet away from the walk. Out guide was showing flashing it with his light.  Dad tried to stop and tell me about this specific tree.  All I could say while I briskly walked away from the buffalo was “ NOT NOW DAD, SHOW ME THE TREE IN THE MORNING”

We got to our room safely and headed to sleep!

DAY 13 July 15, 2011

Dad and I were able to sleep in. the bed was AMAZING! No alarm clock needed. We had a free ahead. As I slowly woke up from a deep, wonderful sleep, I opened my eyes and thought……………..


God, I am ready to go home!!

Dad and I got dressed and headed out to breakfast.  Again, another FABULOUS meal at the lodge.  I didn’t bring my camera, didn’t feel like carrying it!

It’s was a foggy morning, and it was quite chilly.  Very San Francisco Weather.  I loved it!!

We had a great meal, went into the souvenir shop, bought a few things, I tried to get on their super slow internet, and was able to send a few emails out, ant then we headed back to our room!

We decided to start to pack up,
I thought it would be a great idea to take some of our unused first aid supplies and make mini first aid kits for each of the vehicles.  (Walgreen’s money well spent)  and of course, also packed up the rest of the treats to give each of the drivers.

 Dad chillen out on the enclosed room patio

 Then we had a leisurely lunch. The food here is INCREDIBLE!

Dad and I headed back to the room where I wrote the blog, although I couldn’t transmit yet.  Then we showered, and headed to dinner


Well, this morning I was NOT woken up by the alarm, I was actually up before the alarm went off.  I could nbareley contatin the excitement that I was feeling knowing that we were going home!

When the alarm finally went off, this time at 6 am , dad was greeted by singing songs about going home!  I don’t think I have been this happy in DAYS!!  I am counting the minutes till we get outt a here

We packed up

Had our luggage taken up

Headed to breakfast.
Ate, then packed up,  the jeeps!

I did the Final round of Essesntial oil inhalations with the group,

And we headed out,

A few more stops had to be made before we head to the alst hotel and get ready for the airport.

We stopped at this coffee plantation.  Look how beautiful it is!

Matty and Jules!!  ( I LOVE ME SOME JULES!)

Ok, Now I am at the Hotel waiting to leave for the airport, trying to get this blog up and transmitted!  Then, Off to the Airport!  Can I get an AMEN in Here!


  1. Great blog Matthew! So happy ya'll are on your way home. Seems you two have been away forever! Love all the photos! Dad looks so tired! Talk to you soon. My love to both of you, Mom XXX

  2. This is great - love the pictures- hippos- awesome! You will treasure this adventure though you have cursed many of the days!
    Kevin Cruikshank

  3. guess nothing earth shattering happened here nor there! thank heavens. the pics are amazing. we def all went on a mini safari w u!!! c u soon.. love k
